Sedation Dentist

Dental anxiety is a common concern that affects a significant portion of the population. For many, the fear of dental procedures can lead to postponed or neglected dental care, resulting in more complex and costly treatments in the future. At Advanced Dental Solutions, Dr. Shawna Omid, Dr. Mona Nejad, and Dr. Matthieu Sullivan understand these concerns and offer sedation dentistry to help patients receive the care they need in a comfortable and stress-free environment. 

Understanding Sedation Dentistry in Torrance, CA 

Sedation dentistry involves the use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It is also known as "sleep dentistry," although this term is not entirely accurate because patients are usually awake unless under general anesthesia. Sedation can range from minimal, where patients are relaxed but awake, to deep, where patients are on the edge of consciousness but can still be awakened. 

Types of Sedation 

  • Minimal sedation: Patients are awake but relaxed. This is usually achieved through inhalation sedation (laughing gas) or oral sedation (pills). 
  • Moderate sedation: Patients are more relaxed and may not remember much of the procedure. This level is often achieved with higher doses of oral sedatives or intravenous (IV) sedation. 
  • Deep sedation: Patients are on the edge of consciousness but can still be awakened if necessary. This is typically administered through IV sedation. 
  • General anesthesia: Patients are completely unconscious and do not feel pain or remember the procedure. This is used for more complex dental procedures and requires a specialist anesthesiologist. 

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry in Torrance, CA 

Reduces Anxiety and Fear 

One of the most significant benefits of sedation dentistry is its ability to reduce anxiety and fear. Many patients experience dental phobia, which can prevent them from seeking necessary dental care. Sedation helps patients feel calm and relaxed, making it easier for them to undergo dental treatments. 

Alleviates Pain and Discomfort 

Sedation dentistry not only helps with anxiety but also alleviates pain and discomfort during dental procedures like root canal treatments and tooth extractions. With sedation, patients are less aware of the procedure and feel minimal to no pain, ensuring a more pleasant experience. 

Facilitates Complex Procedures 

For patients requiring extensive dental work, sedation dentistry allows multiple procedures to be completed in a single visit. This reduces the number of appointments needed and helps patients receive comprehensive care efficiently. 

Minimizes Gag Reflex 

A strong gag reflex can make dental procedures uncomfortable and challenging. Sedation helps to relax the muscles and minimize the gag reflex, allowing the dentist to perform treatments more smoothly and without involuntary interruptions. 

Improves Treatment Outcomes 

When patients are relaxed and comfortable, dentists can work more effectively and efficiently. This leads to better treatment outcomes and a higher level of care. Contact us to learn more. 

Sedation Dentistry at Advanced Dental Solutions 

Dr. Shawna Omid, Dr. Mona Nejad, and Dr. Matthieu Sullivan are dedicated to providing exceptional dental care with a focus on patient comfort and well-being. At Advanced Dental Solutions, they offer various sedation options tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient. 

Inhalation Sedation (Nitrous Oxide) 

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a popular option for minimal sedation. It is administered through a mask placed over the nose, and patients inhale the gas, which induces a state of relaxation and euphoria. The effects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly, allowing patients to resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. 

Oral Sedation 

Oral sedation involves taking a prescribed medication, usually in the form of a pill, before the dental appointment. The medication induces a moderate level of sedation, helping patients feel drowsy and relaxed. While patients remain awake, they may have little to no memory of the procedure. Dr. Omid, Dr. Nejad, or Dr. Sullivan carefully determine the appropriate dosage based on the patient's medical history and the complexity of the procedure. 

Intravenous (IV) Sedation 

IV sedation is a deeper level of sedation administered directly into the bloodstream through a vein. This method allows for precise control of the sedation level and can be adjusted as needed during the procedure. Patients under IV sedation are in a state of deep relaxation and may not remember the procedure. This option is ideal for more complex dental treatments or for patients with severe dental anxiety. 

General Anesthesia 

For extensive dental procedures or patients with extreme anxiety, general anesthesia may be recommended. Under general anesthesia, patients are completely unconscious and unaware of the procedure. This method requires the presence of a specialist anesthesiologist to administer the anesthesia and monitor the patient's vital signs and ensure their safety throughout the treatment. 

Who Can Benefit From Sedation Dentistry? 

Sedation dentistry is beneficial for a wide range of patients, including: 

  • Patients with dental anxiety or phobia: Individuals who experience significant fear or anxiety related to dental visits can benefit from sedation to help them relax and receive necessary care. 
  • Patients with a low pain threshold: Those who are particularly sensitive to pain or have difficulty tolerating discomfort during dental procedures can find relief through sedation. 
  • Patients with a strong gag reflex: Sedation helps relax the muscles and minimize the gag reflex, making dental treatments more comfortable. 
  • Patients who require extensive dental work: For patients needing multiple or complex procedures, sedation allows for longer treatment sessions, reducing the number of visits needed. 
  • Patients with special needs: Individuals with physical or cognitive impairments that make dental procedures challenging can benefit from the calming effects of sedation. 

The Sedation Dentistry Process in Torrance, CA 

Initial Consultation 

The first step in the sedation dentistry process is an initial consultation with Dr. Omid, Dr. Nejad, or Dr. Sullivan. During this appointment, the dentist will discuss the patient's medical history, dental concerns, and anxiety levels to determine the most appropriate sedation option. Patients will also have the chance to ask questions and express any concerns about the procedure. 

Pre-Treatment Instructions 

Before the sedation appointment, patients will receive detailed instructions to prepare for the procedure. These instructions may include guidelines on fasting, medication use, and transportation arrangements, as patients receiving sedation should not drive themselves to or from the appointment. 

Sedation Administration 

On the day of the procedure, the chosen sedation method will be administered. For nitrous oxide, the patient will simply inhale the gas through a mask. Oral sedation requires the patient to take the prescribed medication before arriving at the dental office. IV sedation and general anesthesia are administered by the dental team, ensuring the patient is closely monitored throughout the procedure. 

During the Procedure 

Under sedation, patients will feel relaxed and comfortable. Depending on the level of sedation, they may be fully awake, drowsy, or in a deep sleep. The dental team will perform the necessary treatments while continuously monitoring the patient's vital signs to ensure their safety and well-being. 

Post-Treatment Care 

After the procedure, patients will be closely monitored as the sedation wears off. Nitrous oxide wears off quickly, allowing patients to resume normal activities immediately. For oral sedation, IV sedation, and general anesthesia, patients will need a designated driver to take them home, as the effects can take several hours to fully dissipate. Patients will receive post-treatment care instructions, including guidelines on eating, drinking, and medication use. 


Sedation dentistry can be a valuable solution for patients who experience anxiety, fear, or discomfort during dental procedures. At Advanced Dental Solutions, Dr. Shawna Omid, Dr. Mona Nejad, and Dr. Matthieu Sullivan, our sedation dentists in Torrance, CA, provide expert care and a compassionate approach to help patients receive the dental treatments they need in a comfortable and stress-free environment. Whether you require minimal sedation with nitrous oxide or deeper sedation with IV sedation or general anesthesia, Dr. Omid, Dr. Nejad, or Dr. Sullivan are committed to ensuring your safety, comfort, and satisfaction. 

Experience top-notch dental care with Dr. Shawna Omid, Dr. Mona Nejad, and Dr. Matthieu Sullivan at Advanced Dental Solutions in Torrance. Whether you need preventive, cosmetic, or restorative services, our dedicated team is here to help. Schedule your appointment today by calling us at 310-542-5155 or visit us at 4305 Torrance Blvd Suite 103, Torrance, CA 90503. 

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Torrance, CA

4305 Torrance Blvd Suite 103, Torrance, CA 90503


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(310) 542-5155